Tuesday, March 2, 2010

full, full, full...

I just ate a ton of chicken fried rice. It was delicious and I ate way too much of it. Max enjoyed it too.

Max and I went grocery shopping today. You know your a stay at home mom when grocery shopping excites you, lol. I get Max all dressed up in a cute outfit and he loves the attention he gets while there. He's SO good, too. He totally enjoys sitting in the baby seat on the shopping cart. He can see everything and swing his legs and take food out of the cart and drop it on the floor lol yes, he did that twice today, brat. Actually, lately he's been doing that a lot. He's in "that phase" where he will drop things from his high chair, etc. just to see someone get it for him.

Sean has officially begun the father-son wrestling match's...oy! I knew they were coming. He used to wrestle with his little brother ALL THE TIME. So now that Max isn't so fragile anymore, Sean will grab him and throw him around on the bed. I know it sounds bad, but our bed is really soft and bouncy and Max just loves it. He busts up laughing. Sean even pretends that Max is kicking his ass, haha. THIS is why I was so excited to have a boy first. I was so excited to see Sean and his son be 'men' together and do all the fun guy stuff. 

Oh, I wanted to post some pictures.

I love this one. It's so damn cute!!!! But maybe it's only that cute to me because that's my little booty boy :p

Spaghetti night!

And then fell asleep during his messy dinner, aww.

I love him ♥

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