Sunday, April 11, 2010

Birthday prep and walking excitement

I just ordered all of Max's birthday supplies!! The theme we decided on is super cute (and will be kept a secret until party day XD ) and once it all comes in I'm going to get the other stuff like streamers, balloons, utensils, etc. I also want to get a customized t-shirt made for him. Since Sean wont be here for his real birthday () we will have his birthday party 2 weeks early on May 29th. It kills me to have to do that, but Sean really wants to be there for it (as do I!) so we just have to. Besides, it just means we get to celebrate his birthday twice! We wont have a 2nd party, but we can definitely go out to dinner and something else fun I'm sure. Sean just wont be there for that one

Also today a friend and us went to the Stone Brewery for a early dinner. Thet brew Sean's favorite beer and we were excited to finally try their restaurant. It was pretty good, but I don't think we will go again. But afterwords they had this beautiful park to enjoy and I think there was some kind of Baby Day thing going on because their were babies and toddlers everywhere! Max had fun playing with a few of them. There was this  11 month old baby boy who you could tell just learned how to walk a few days ago. He was in the park area along with us and all the other babies. It was the cutest thing because you could just tell that he JUST started walking because he was so slow and wobbly and was having the time of his life. It made me tear up a bit from how cute it was seeing both his parents slowly following him cautiously. They totally let him lead the way and watched him so lovingly and you could see the pride they felt just pouring out of their faces. It was amazing. I had to talk to them so when they got near us I complemented how cute he was (I love how if you ever want to start a conversation with other strangers with babies you always complement them haha) and I asked how old he was. They told me 11 months. And I said "He just started walking, didn't he?" and the mom just lit up with pride and joy quickly answering back "Yep! This is day 3 and the first time he's done it outside of our house so it's so exciting" and then we continued talking about each others babies.

Let me tell you, that got me SO excited for when Max learns to walk! Before I was in no hurry for him to walk at all. I mean, I of course want him to, but I didn't want him to do it too soon. I wanted it to happen at 1 year and would even have been ok if he went a little longer just because I was enjoying him crawling and being a baby still. I felt that when he started walking, no matter the age, he would be a toddler and I just wasn't ready for that. But now? I can not wait!! That baby showed me that even with walking you are still so obviously your mommy's baby. And it just looked so fun to be able to follow your baby around. I imagine the 3 of us walking in a park, Max wobbling his way wherever he wants and us following him...I.Can.Not.Wait. Time to start really practicing walking with him!

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