Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daddy's gone :( But Max is standing!

Ugh - today was bleh.

I wont say it was bad because it wasn't. Only bad part was having to watch Sean say goodbye to his son. We had to drop him off at the airport on base this morning. He and everyone who is going on the aircraft carrier with him had to fly up to Washington to get on their ship. We now have 3 aircraft carriers stationed at our base and all 3 just so happen to be in port right now so the one our squadron goes out on couldn't come down to pick them up. So they had to leave earlier to fly up there. Thankfully they should be porting here in SD when they come back so at least he doesn't have to port in Washington then fly back.

So after we said our goodbyes (definitely not as bad as I was expecting) Max and I left and we went straight to my friends house who's husband is leaving with him. I really appreciate her going through the same thing as me so we can definitely go through it together. During deployment I was at her house alllllll the time. I may as well have moved in :p her husband and my husband don't get along much anymore but we don't let that phase us.

So Max and I just hung out there with her and her kids. We watched The Time Travelers Wife which was SUCH a good movie. And we took the kids to the park. Then had taco dinner. I came home around 8 and gave Max his bath. I got frustrated because I think Max is so used to it just being he, Sean, and I (mostly just he and I) that when he is around more than just a couple people he kinda clams up and doesn't know how to open up and be himself. He's not used to hearing so many voices and so many bodies moving around. He still has fun but he's quiet for the most part and will have random outbursts of laughter. And then as soon as we are home he's back to his normal, loud, mess with everything, go everywhere, screaming self. He was like this especially in the bath, my goodness.

We hung out for a bit, played, practiced standing up unsupported, which by the way he stood for 5 whole seconds by himself today!! And he could have stood longer but he bent his knee's and squatted down to crawl. My friend and I noticed that he didn't just lose his balance because he didn't fall at all, he squatted down like he meant to. She pointed that out to me and it made me realize that he really never falls back on his booty or forward on his hands anymore. He's learned how to go from standing to sitting/crawling without just letting his body fall down! Yay! His coordination is improving which means walking is on it's way! BTW, when he stood that whole 5 seconds (5 seconds for a baby standing means a WHOLE lot more than 5 little seconds. It's a HUGE deal that I didn't understand until I saw my own baby do it <3 ) he looked SO EFFING CUTE!! He was wobbly and so adorable with his concentration face. And then the dog just had to grab his attention...grr.

Anyway, tomorrow we are all going to go to a linen store to pick out what patterns I want for Max's quilt my friend is going to make for him as his b-day present! I'm sooo excited about that because quilts are so comfy and it will be the size to fit his toddler bed whenever he's ready for it. I'm so excited for that! And then we are going to go to Target just for the fun of it. I need another baby gate and a few things. I'm going to get started on making Max's play area soon :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Birthday prep and walking excitement

I just ordered all of Max's birthday supplies!! The theme we decided on is super cute (and will be kept a secret until party day XD ) and once it all comes in I'm going to get the other stuff like streamers, balloons, utensils, etc. I also want to get a customized t-shirt made for him. Since Sean wont be here for his real birthday () we will have his birthday party 2 weeks early on May 29th. It kills me to have to do that, but Sean really wants to be there for it (as do I!) so we just have to. Besides, it just means we get to celebrate his birthday twice! We wont have a 2nd party, but we can definitely go out to dinner and something else fun I'm sure. Sean just wont be there for that one

Also today a friend and us went to the Stone Brewery for a early dinner. Thet brew Sean's favorite beer and we were excited to finally try their restaurant. It was pretty good, but I don't think we will go again. But afterwords they had this beautiful park to enjoy and I think there was some kind of Baby Day thing going on because their were babies and toddlers everywhere! Max had fun playing with a few of them. There was this  11 month old baby boy who you could tell just learned how to walk a few days ago. He was in the park area along with us and all the other babies. It was the cutest thing because you could just tell that he JUST started walking because he was so slow and wobbly and was having the time of his life. It made me tear up a bit from how cute it was seeing both his parents slowly following him cautiously. They totally let him lead the way and watched him so lovingly and you could see the pride they felt just pouring out of their faces. It was amazing. I had to talk to them so when they got near us I complemented how cute he was (I love how if you ever want to start a conversation with other strangers with babies you always complement them haha) and I asked how old he was. They told me 11 months. And I said "He just started walking, didn't he?" and the mom just lit up with pride and joy quickly answering back "Yep! This is day 3 and the first time he's done it outside of our house so it's so exciting" and then we continued talking about each others babies.

Let me tell you, that got me SO excited for when Max learns to walk! Before I was in no hurry for him to walk at all. I mean, I of course want him to, but I didn't want him to do it too soon. I wanted it to happen at 1 year and would even have been ok if he went a little longer just because I was enjoying him crawling and being a baby still. I felt that when he started walking, no matter the age, he would be a toddler and I just wasn't ready for that. But now? I can not wait!! That baby showed me that even with walking you are still so obviously your mommy's baby. And it just looked so fun to be able to follow your baby around. I imagine the 3 of us walking in a park, Max wobbling his way wherever he wants and us following him...I.Can.Not.Wait. Time to start really practicing walking with him!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Well, it's passed 12am so it's not Easter anymore, but I can't sleep. We are back in the Desert (aka our home town) and spent the whole day with family. Sean's grandma, then all his Aunt's and Uncle's and cousin's got together for dinner and we played whiffle ball which was so fun. Max was so funny, he kept crawling around the field, haha. I was soooo beat when we got back to my parents though. I dozed off at 8. Sean woke me up at 9 to kiss me goodbye :( He has to work tomorrow and we brought seperate cars so i could stay longer with Max since my mom has the week off of work. He looked so good today. He always wears band shirts but today he wore just a simple long sleeve gray thermal and it was a nice change. Anyway, I said bye to him and knocked right back out. It's like my body knew that for once I'm able to take a nap when I want since my parents were spending time with Max. Well, I woke up feeling so much better at 11pm :/ everyone was asleep and I couldn't fall back to sleep. Still can't. Max is sleeping inbetween my parents in their bed, awww. So I'm in my brothers room all by myself. I miss my boys :(

AND I'm still dealing with baby fever. It's not soooo bad, so I think instead I'll call it the baby bug. I keep thinking that if i just spend some QT with Max it will help ease it since he's still my baby, but it just makes it worse cause he just makes me want another one even more, lol. He's the only baby in Sean's family so everyone was lovin' on him today and of course I got a few "So when's the next baby coming?" and I would just say "Eventually, we are still happy enjoying just Max" because if we even hinted that we are wanting another one but still want to wait....well, they would push us to hurry like crazy! Even while we do want another right now, we are still stern on waiting a bit more. Because we really are enjoying QT with Max. When I think about that, it really helps back up our choice to wait still. We love just having our perfect little boy right now <3 Speaking of which, have I mentioned how much I LOVE him?? GAH! He looked sooooo adorable today in his Easter over-alls outfit and playing in the grass. I freakin love that little man!! And I love his daddy and how they are together. They are such best friends and have the best father-son relationship already <3 Man, I love my lil family :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I really don't want to talk about it because I'm so sick of talking about it, but thought I should let everyone know that we backed out on the house. Almost as soon as our offer was accepted, things got crazy and SOOO stressed. People were calling us left and right trying to sell us their mortgages and insurances and we just started to feel that this wasn't the right choice. We weren't excited about it anymore and honestly we just felt that it wasn't meant to be. We also decided that we want to move back home when he gets out in 3 years so we are just going to wait until then. On the contrast, we also felt we would really miss San Diego, too. I really like being in a military town and neighborhood. I think no matter when we move, I will miss that feeling of being around people who go through the same as us, who are young and just trying to raise their families with military pay and often without their spouse's.

And it made us appreciate the home we have now. It's only 2 beds/1 bath but it's big enough for what we need right now and really does offer us a lot. Plus, the location is the best. So we both just realized fast that we are happy here and want to stay. :) We have decided however that this place needs a total re-do. We have a little family room that we don't use because Sean has a bunch of his crap in it that we never touch. So we are going to go through it and thinking about turning it into Max's play room. We want to buy a bedroom set! The one we have now is unmatching and OLD. So King size bed and new bedroom set, here we come! We are also considering painting. I'm SICK SICK SICK of white walls. Makes a room feel so dead. So really considering it.

So, we are glad it's done with and feel a lot more at home here now after such a horrible experience trying to buy a house.  

Thursday, March 25, 2010



We're so excited!!! We close in roughly 30 days, don't have the official day yet. I can't believe it...We still have to go through with the appraisal and home inspection to make sure nothing is wrong with the house. But it looks in tip top shape so we are hopeful everything checks out ok.

On a side note, I'm also feeling very nervous and anxious. This is SUCH a big commitment. And we are moving to a new town. And Sean will be underway during the move! Not only that, but he will most likely be gone the first 2-3 weeks we live there so I will be all alone :( Oh well, I'll live and Max will keep me busy. Plus we will be closer to our families so I can go home often. And we will be in our very own home that I love!!

So, here we go. Once we get the official closing date, we will give our housing office our 30 day notice and hire a moving company. And get the home inspection done. And then wait to get our keys!

Monday, March 22, 2010


We may be getting our dream home! We went house hunting again today and saw a whole bunch of houses. We were getting discouraged though because the first 4-5 we really didn't like. Then we saw one we finally liked a lot, but it's just slightly farther away than what we're comfortable with. So then we had just one house left to visit but I wasn't feeling it at all because it didn't have any pictures or anything since it was just listed today. But it sounded nice. But I totally didn't expect it to be the one...Well, it is THE ONE! I knew it after just a few moments in the house. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1800 sq ft, the backyard has a view of a park with a playground! And that playground is a super short walk away! I LOVVVE the kitchen. I felt so comfortable in it. One of the bedrooms is downstairs so it's perfect for guests (or a office, but I doubt we'd use it as one) and the other two share a jack and jill bathroom which I think is awesome! The master has everything you could want in one plus a great view. Not to mention the whole thing has so much character and the layout is so different and fun!

So we fell in love...but then I got so scared of not getting it. There is so much competition right now, it's horrible. So we put a offer in for over the asking price. Well, to my surprise, they gave us a counter offer!! Which was the same price we offered but just asked for a certain way they want closing to go. So we accepted that and sent it back and now just waiting to hear if it is officially accepted!! We are standing on freakin pins and needles here waiting to find out if we got it or not....please, please, please say we got it! I want this house!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Spring!

I think it's amazing that today is the first day of Spring and the flowers on our bush's bloomed TODAY and new leaf buds showed up on our tree in the backyard TODAY. What perfect timing, mother nature. I have to say that I am pretty sure that Spring is my new favorite season. I never had a favorite before. Just liked them all. But for some reason this time I am really seeing the beauty in it. I love seeing all the freshly bloomed wild flowers and the warm, bright sun just puts me in the best mood. Life just feels so fresh. I love it!

Today was so great. It was a perfect 78 degree's so we decided that today is the perfect day to go to the beach! I have been looking forward to this day since last summer. Max was too young during the summer to enjoy (or even notice) the beach. And I couldn't expose him to the sun like at all because of how young he was. So every time we went to the beach I'd just have him covered and usually asleep. So I couldn't wait until next summer so he would be a little older and able to actually have fun. Let me tell you, it was everything I hoped for and more! Max LOVES the beach! It took him some getting used to at first because he's never been exposed to sand or that much water before so he was definitely scared at first. Well, of the water. Not the sand. He was so intrigued by the sand and then ended up absolutely loving it. I'll get to that later, though. Sean took him to the shore and introduced his feet to the water. I was worried the water would still be too cold to go in, but was surprised to see it really wasn't. At least not to Max. When the little waves came up Max would fuss from just not knowing what the hell they were lol.

So then Sean put him down on the damp - but no waves - part and all of a sudden a switch went off and it's as if he just realized how open and free it was. He smiled big and took off crawling! lol it was so funny! Then he all of a sudden wasn't scared of the water anymore and took off towards the waves! So Sean watched over him while I snapped away with my camera (duh) and it was just such a blast. He got pretty pissed if Sean tried to pick him up, haha!

Then after a while of playing in the shallow water, he got drenched and had mud all over him. So we took him to get rinsed off and attempted drying him when he realized we were back on dry beach sand so he began kicking and whining so bad and we didn't know why at first. So we let him go and off he went onto the sand, lol! He loved crawling in the sand so much so we just let him be, though he constantly wanted to go visit other people on the beach so we had to keep dragging him away, lol. Then Sean took him down to make a sand castle...that was a no-go since every time Sean would start anything Max would just trample over it! lol! It was hilarious. So after playing some more I saw Max start to rub his eyes so I knew it was nap time even though he was for sure going to put up a fight. But me being super mommy now I would able to get the job done and he just knocked out. So he and I laid together on the sheet we put down on the sand while Sean went body-surfing. Max and I took a nice nap together. It. was. lovely. I love napping on the beach!

So that was our first family beach trip. I can't wait to go again! Here are a few pics from today -

Love this pic of us. He looks a lot like me!

Checkin' out the sand


Looking at the Ocean.

Then freedom!

Going to the water!


splish splash!

Having too much fun!


I love him

Best buds

He's my best bug too!

This is when he just took off!

And this is Max destroying Sean's castle, haha!

And bonus - Video of Max walking! Kinda....haha.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's gettin' hot in herrrrre

Yes, I totally just said that. Ha! Max is napping and I'm hungry...He and I will be feasting on lasagna tonight, mmm. I should get started cooking soon.

I LOVE that he is eating table foods so well now. He's gotten better and better at it very quickly. I can give him whole sized animal crackers and he eats it without any issues. And he had some Ritz crackers today and he actually took bites out of them with his top teeth!! It was so exciting, lol. He will eat anything!! I haven't fed him any baby food in the last few days which makes me happy. We are moving on! I feel accomplished too because his Ped said to have him on table foods by 9 months (along with formula) so yay!!

Speaking of eating, This morning while I was changing his diaper on the changing table I noticed all his new top teeth came out a lot more over night and they are so clear as day there now. He smiled and from that angled I saw all his teeth in that smile and it made him look like a toddler for a few seconds...I got that painful feeling of bittersweetness. He looked so handsome, yet my stomach dropped. He's growing so, so, sooo fast. Ah, I just want to freeze time for a bit! I want to enjoy him as a baby for longer than what we are given...

I've actually been experiencing baby fever in the last 2 days. I just can't wait to do all this over again with another little lover muffin. But we definitely want to wait another 6-9 months before starting to TTC our next. We want to get into a bigger home and relish and give Max his quality time as a baby. And to me, a baby is a baby longer than their 1st birthday even though they technically become a toddler then.'s to holding off the baby fever! Is it odd that I feel like it's kinda not fair to Max that I want another baby?

Oh, and yeah, it's HOT today! I am loving this heat wave we're experiencing. Max and I took the dogs to the dog park earlier and I put Max in a light short sleeve shirt and shorts with no shoes or socks and I was in shorts and a tank top! It feels like forever since I've been able to wear a tank. I love tanks.

Oh, and here's two cute videos from this morning of Sean and Max rockin out!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Back in SD

Well, we had a nice trip up to Sac visiting Sean's mom and siblings. I can't believe after me and Cindy's history we are now at a place where I can safely and comfortably go visit her without Sean. We have a very rough passed, she and I. So this trip being such a success feels like such a milestone! I enjoyed spending time with Sean's sister and brothers so much, I love them! We are planning on them coming to visit this summer. I want to take them to Disneyland so bad!

It was so nice coming home to my hubby though. It was only 5 days, but for some reason when I saw him it felt like so much longer. And he was all over Max. He missed him a lot. He had to work tonight but he really wanted to take us out to eat so we quickly stopped for some Wnedy's and Max got his own chicken nuggets :) That was fun. Max also had his own kids meal when we went to a restaurant while in Sac. He got his own 5 sand dollars pancakes and scrambled eggs and he ate it all!! I was so shocked I thought he would only eat 2-3 but he ate it all. So I'm pretty excited to start ordering him his own food when we go out now :D

My baby boy is getting so big...I'm now buying 18m size clothes! He fits 12m perfectly right now. And in the passed week all 4 of his top teeth came in! Aside from 30 minutes of serious fussing and crying, teething those teeth were easy. They came quick, thank God. Soon his pictures are going to be full of toofers!! Ahh, he's growing up so fast....He turned 9 months on the 11th. Less than 3 months and he will be a year....crazinessss.

Oh, and we didn't get that house, obviously. There is a ton of competition right now. There was over 10 other offers on it within 3 days. Blah...But our Realtor said not to get discouraged and we'll keep trying so weds we are going out to look at more houses.

I am craving a good love story...a movie or book or manga. I want to be swooned by an amazing story!

Friday, March 12, 2010

In Sac

Max and I got into Sacramento yesterday. The surprising Cindy thing went GREAT. Sean's sister Shelby picked us up and when we got to her house Sean's brother Paul pretended like we were the UPS guy with a package for her and she needed to sign for it so she came to the door and when she saw us her face just went blank like she couldn't even comprehend what she was looking at! The poor thing was right in the middle of eating a english muffin lol. After she was able to wrap her head around it she had this shocked face saying "I can't believe it!" and stepping back with this blown away face. It was SO funny and just perfect. She grabbed Max and started sobbing and went right for the kitchen and fed him a cream pie snack lol yes, she's THAT Grandma. She is still shocked and keeps talking about it. Oh, and she hasn't let Max go since lol. He is soooooo pampered here!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why am I up?

Because I have an almost 9 month old baby boy, that's why. He's not up, he went to sleep a couple hours ago. I was so worn out today that when Max took his afternoon nap at 4 I decided to take a nap too expecting him to wake up in an hour - hour 1/2...He slept until 8!! He slept 4 hours so I slept for 4 hours. He hasn't napped that long in God knows how long. So we both woke up completely refreshed when on a normal night it would be time for him to wind down with a bath and getting ready for bed. Greeeeat.

Anyway, I finally got around to packing. Max and I are flying up to Sacramento tomorrow to visit Sean's mom and siblings. Sean isn't going because we're saving his leave (vacation) hours, but it's ok because all Cindy (his mom) cares about is seeing Max, lol. Her birthday was the 8th so we are surprising her tomorrow for her birthday! She is going to DIE. Just flip out. She's an emotional person, so I know she will cry. She cries just when we are on the phone with her and she talks about missing Max and wondering if he will remember her. She's only seen him twice. So I am really excited to surprise her tomorrow XD

I'm going try and get some sleep now, even though I'm still not feeling very tired. I have to finish packing in the morning though so I have to get some sleep so I'm not drowsy and forget stuff. Oh, we'll be there until Monday.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cake, anyone?

A couple recent cakes I've done-
I'm worn out. I just finished making a chocolate cake from scratch. I totally forgot I had cake decorating class in the morning so at 8pm tonight I started making the cake I needed to take in. Including tomorrow I only have 4 class' left. I've learned so much in the short 8 weeks I've been going and hope to soak up more knowledge before the next 4 go by.

Max cut his top-right tooth over the weekend!! They've been pushing through for a few weeks now and the right one was soooo close to cutting when my dad and Max were playing chase. We were home for the weekend and my dad was on his hands and knees chasing Max and Max was having so much fun crawling away from him. Well, they were on tile and Max got ahead of himself and tripped with his head flinging to the floor, and his top gums just so happen to land on the tile, cutting his tooth through! lol. I just think it's so ironic that it happened like that. Max cried for a short minute then was back to crawling away from my dad. Now that beautiful tip of the tooth is shining there. I see the one to the left of it coming too, but I see the one to the right of it coming even sooner! So he may have an odd set of teeth for awhile lol.

Max had chicken nuggets for the first time tonight :) He really liked them. Chicken nuggets and broccoli. He loved it all. I really love cooking for my little man. Now if only his daddy didn't works nights so we could have family dinners :(

Oh, and Max has begun acting shy around strangers. It is TO DIE FOR cuteness!!! He gives this shy smile as he snugs his head into my shoulder/neck area or whatever body-part he's by of mine. Often times he will stick his tongue out a little bit when he does it, too and it only makes me die that much more. Actually, lately he's all about the tongue. He sticks it out like a panting dog as he crawls and just at random times and that, too, is so stinkin cute. My little lover muffin is just getting cuter and cuter by the day, I swear. I just can't get enough of his little ham self. I love being his Mommy ♥

Thursday, March 4, 2010

On the hunt!

Sean and I have been on the hunt for our first home! We really love the city of Temecula. It's so new and family oriented and only 45-hour away from San Diego so it's still fairly close to all the fun things San Diego has to offer, and it's about an hour-hour 1/2 away from our home town. Sean is up for the commute he will have to San Diego, so everything is working out. We went to look at our first houses last thursday and they were all nice, but they were all foreclosures so some were just in horrible condition. We found one we really liked and put an offer on it...but after coming home and thinking about it, I realized that it wasn't the one. It was very nice, but it was TOO big. It was over 2400 sq feet. It had a huge formal living room, then huge family room, then huge loft upstairs. I became so intimidated by all the space and had no idea what I was going to do with it. We may have grown into it eventually, but I don't see that happening for a while so I just wanted something else. We pulled our offer the next day but it wouldn't have mattered because we found out there were higher offers on the house so we wouldn't have gotten it anyway.  

So this morning we went back to Temecula to look at 2 more houses. The first one I LOVE! It seriously felt like the one. It was 1700 sq feet which I was sooo much more comfortable with. It was in amazing- move in ready condition. So we went to see the next house still, and I fell in love with that one too! Well, when I say "I" I mean Sean and I. He loved both houses too. So we went back to the office to write up offers for both. Well, once there we found out the first one had accepted an offer already :( I was heart broken...but then she saw that there was another house for sale that was the exact same model and cheaper! So we went to look at it really quick and discovered quickly that it's so much cheaper because it needs work...Just needs a real good cleaning of the walls/doors and needs new carpet completely. But it has potential to be so beautiful and just needs a few cosmetic fix's, which for that price is totally worth the work. But, we haven't decided yet if we are willing to do the work yet so no offer yet. Still thinking about it. But the other house we loved has our offer in and we are just waiting to hear their response...hopefully tomorrow!!

I only have one picture and it's of the outside of the second house we saw. It's SO CUTE!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

full, full, full...

I just ate a ton of chicken fried rice. It was delicious and I ate way too much of it. Max enjoyed it too.

Max and I went grocery shopping today. You know your a stay at home mom when grocery shopping excites you, lol. I get Max all dressed up in a cute outfit and he loves the attention he gets while there. He's SO good, too. He totally enjoys sitting in the baby seat on the shopping cart. He can see everything and swing his legs and take food out of the cart and drop it on the floor lol yes, he did that twice today, brat. Actually, lately he's been doing that a lot. He's in "that phase" where he will drop things from his high chair, etc. just to see someone get it for him.

Sean has officially begun the father-son wrestling match's...oy! I knew they were coming. He used to wrestle with his little brother ALL THE TIME. So now that Max isn't so fragile anymore, Sean will grab him and throw him around on the bed. I know it sounds bad, but our bed is really soft and bouncy and Max just loves it. He busts up laughing. Sean even pretends that Max is kicking his ass, haha. THIS is why I was so excited to have a boy first. I was so excited to see Sean and his son be 'men' together and do all the fun guy stuff. 

Oh, I wanted to post some pictures.

I love this one. It's so damn cute!!!! But maybe it's only that cute to me because that's my little booty boy :p

Spaghetti night!

And then fell asleep during his messy dinner, aww.

I love him ♥

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First post in my new blog :)

Hi! I'm Sunde, 23, and a happy SAHM to my beautiful 8 month old son, Max. I'm married to my wonderful hubby, Sean. I'm pretty excited to finally start my blog (even though I originally thought to start one when Max was born, heh) so here we go. Going to start out with a post about what got us to where we are now:

Where to start...Both my husband and I are from a small town near Palm Springs, CA. My parents are still married and love each other, and I have 2 brothers, Cameron, 24, and Garrett, 20. I'm the middle child and only girl. I met my husband, Sean, 24, in high school my freshman year (his junior year) through my older brother. We clicked, but because we were both so shy it took us a long time for us to admit our feelings and start dating. It finally happened on Dec. 28th, 2001. In a very shy, but cute way he asked me to be his girlfriend. Then started our very strong love story. After being together for 5 months, Sean and his dad got into a pretty bad fight and Sean ended up moving back to live with his mom in Reno, NV...which was 1000 miles away. I was only 15 at the time. It was a huge shock to my system. I cried so much that first day he was gone. I sank into a depression (remember, I was only 15. To me, this was the end of the world). Back then there wasn't any free long distance calling yet so our time on the phone was limited. It was hard. We saw each other once every 1.5-2 months. We lived like that for 16 months.

The day Sean turned 18 he moved out and moved to say it was one of the happiest days of my life. He rented a room in his aunt's house for 2 years and worked with his dad at his Grandpa's glass block company (by this point both Sean and I were on much better terms with his dad and step mom). I was still at home finishing up high school. When I graduated in 2005, Sean was thinking about joining the Navy. He couldn't stand working for his Grandpa's company (nothing personal, just hated it) and at 20 years old was going through a mid-life crisis, feeling he wanted to do something else, wanted to be able to provide for himself and I. When we look back at it now, we laugh. But hey, it got us to where we are today and we'reso happy it did. On our 4 year anniversary on Dec. 28th, 2005, He took me to the park where we had all our 'firsts' late at night. It was so beautiful with all the house's surrounding it. They still had their Christmas lights up. That's where he asked me to marry him :) it was so, so, so romantic. I was only 18 and he 20. All of our family was supportive and happy. Both his and my parents knew beforehand, too.

So, he joined the Navy in January '06. After he graduated bootcamp in March, we found out that we could have a wedding in a little over 2 months, June 24th, 2006. So my mom and I planned our heart out and we got a full, beautiful wedding planned at a beautiful venue. It was a blast and to this day holds the title of "best party" to all our friends, lol. It was a crazy night. He did all his training and schooling and finally got to his first duty station which conveniently ended up being in San Diego, which is only 2.5 hours from our hometown. During all this, I was at home with my parents still. But once he got his duty station, I was able to move out to San Diego to be with him. So in August of '06, Sean and I got our first place together. A 1 bedroom apartment. It was nice and gave us what we needed at the time, but after 6 months we were kinda fed up with how small it was. So we decided to get on the waiting list for military housing. We chose to live at Murphy Canyon housing because it was such a great location and the housing was really nice (as far as military housing goes, anyway) plus they had a backyard for our dogs. Well, we weren't the only ones who wanted it either since the waiting list was 6 months long. But it worked out perfectly anyway since our lease wasn't up for another 6 months.

Anywho, we moved here in August of '07 and have been here since. In March of '08 Sean deployed for the first time. That was hard...I hated living at home alone. I had a job, otherwise I would have gone back home a lot. But I got through it and in September '08 he came back home. We were so happy! We also started our TTC journey which ended up being a short one since we got pregnant the very first try right after he got home, lol. Heck, we weren't even officially trying yet. But we conceived Max! We were soooo happy, and a little nervous. We both didn't expect it to happen so fast AT ALL. But it did, and thank God it did because since Sean just came home from deployment he was able to be home for my entire pregnancy and be here for the birth, plus has been home for Max's whole 8.5 months of living so far. Trust me, that is NOT very common in the military world. I've known many who's husbands were gone during their pregnancy, and some even missing the birth. And some who have left right after their baby was born. That's just how it is usually in the military. So I am so very thankful that we had Max when we did.

He was born June 11th, 2009. I was 38.5 weeks along when I noticed Max hadn't moved in a few hours. We were concerned so we went into Labor and Delivery to get him checked out and he turned out to be just fine, just super comfy and sleeping. But then during a small contraction I had, his heart rate dropped dangerously low. It went back up afterword, but this concerned my Midwife so she decided to induce me that night. It was ok since he was full term and they could feel he was a good size so they weren't worried at all about inducing me early. I was worried because they said if the contractions continue to make his heart rate drop, they were going to have to perform a C section to get him out. I did NOT want a C section. I wanted to bring him into this world the way we're meant to. I want to be the one who worked so hard to get him out. I didn't want a doctor to do it and believe it or not, I wanted to feel it. I did get an epidural, but it didn't help much for the actual pushing and birth part. This is getting a little TMI so I'm sorry in advance! But after working so hard and enduring so much pain to get my baby boy out (pushed SO HARD for over an hour) it really made me appreciate the end result so much. So I'm actually considering going all natural next time. And unless medically necessary, I wont be induced. I want to go into labor totally naturally.

Anyway, obviously we didn't need a C section. His heart rate never dropped again so I had a normal 19 hour labor lol. My Midwife said I was truly one of the hardest pushers she ever came across. Max was still high when I felt the pressure to push so she thought for sure it would have taken over 2 hours but I got him out in just over 1. She was very impressed. But I don't fuck around lol. So at 6:44pm on June 11th, 2009 Max was born <3 7lbs 10oz and 20 and a quarter inch's. Healthy as can be. We had to stay in the Hospital for 5 days because they didn't have the result for my Group B strep test (they lost it, ugh) so he had to be monitored for a few days before they could release him, just in case he showed any signs of fever. Thankfully he didn't so we were able to go home finally. Both our families weren't able to stay out and help so it was just Sean and I form the beginning so I was never able to catch up on any sleep before we started the feedings every 2 hours. So it was a hard adjustment from being really exhausted to extremely exhausted. So the first few weeks were tough, but we got through them and by 2 months Max was starting to sleep for longer amounts of time and by 3 months he was sleeping through the night. That's when things became easier and more normal. And that's when the real fun started because his personality really started to grow :)

So That's pretty much where we are now. Max has just been growing and shining more and more every day. He is the light of our lives and we love having him here SO much. He's my little monkey <3 We've been getting asked a lot lately when we'd have our next one. And we both agree that we're having so much fun with just having Max right now that we don't feel like already having to focus on another one yet. Max is my baby still and I think once he isn't a baby anymore is when we will want another little one. So we're thinking maybe in a year we will start TTC a little brother or sister. Naturally we both would like a girl next, but I love having a baby boy so much so if we end up having another boy I will definitely be happy about that. I get this feeling I am meant to have 2 boys though, whether it's the next one or the 3rd one (we're pretty sure we want 3). So we will see!

And in a couple months Sean will start going out to sea on work ups. He will be gone for a lot of the summer :( But he wont be gone for more than a month at a time. A month here and there will suck, but at least he wont be deploying on October. His squadron is going out on deployment in October and he starts shore duty in september...perfect timing! lol.

Well, this is WAY long enough for now. Just wanted to give a background post of what led us to here. My posts wont always be this long, promise lol.